This collection critiques our contemporary culture driven by commerce.

Starting with a search on ‘Google’ for a consumer product, the work developed into an abstract image. Something familiar and yet, in-between this and that – a place in our psyche. By manipulating the image outside of its original lexicon, it is removed from its function and makes it appear as art. We begin to question reality – what is this thing?

I’m interested in how people behave in a digital world and I use this as a modus to create art. My digital work is an echo of our contemporary culture. I am also interested in “set” culture inspired by the recent evolution of NFTs into the market of art and the idea of collecting, owning, and first-in behaviour. We seem to suffer from a psychological human condition – seemingly imperfect, “fallen” or corrupted selves – which results in our need for competitive, selfish, and obsessive behaviour. Ideas of commerce, decadence, immediacy, instant gratification, disconnection and emotional connection become topics of discussion in this work.

Language and rhythm are still key to this composition. However, the computer is able to articulate its own language. I hit a keystroke not always knowing the end result. The making of the art is almost like a symbiotic relationship between myself and the tool.

These works can be output up to and including 6ftx6ft.