On Board


40”x78.75” | oil on canvas | 2020

I reflect upon the anthropocentric dualism we find ourselves in … the mistaken illusion of separateness from one another and our environment. This idea of ‘us‘ vs. ‘them’ is what I feel is driving the common landscape to feel upside-down. I paint the ethereal, inner landscape, the place where the Caterpillar asks Alice “Who are you?”. I realized that there is always a dividing line that appears in my work, and I decided to explore that one detail. Is it the horizon line of a landscape? Is it the divisive line between two halves of a problem, a person or perspective? This work is named ‘Yugen’ – (n) a Japanese expression which describes the ‘feeling’ one has when contemplating beauty. This painting is sized to reflect our current landscape … it is 78.75 inches (or 2 metres) … the standard in Covid-19 Social Distance Etiquette. Note: the imperfections in the wood board form part of the unique character of the artwork.

Where the Light Gets In

40”x78.75” | oil on canvas | 2020

I reflect upon the anthropocentric dualism we find ourselves in … the mistaken illusion of separateness from one another and our environment. This idea of ‘us‘ vs. ‘them’ is what I feel is driving the common landscape to feel upside-down. I paint the ethereal, inner landscape, the place where the Caterpillar asks Alice “Who are you?”. I realized that there is always a dividing line that appears in my work, and I decided to explore that one detail. Is it the horizon line of a landscape? Is it the divisive line between two halves of a problem, a person or perspective? Or is it a realization that Leonard Cohen leads us to, that, “There is a crack in everything … That’s how the light gets in.” This painting is sized to reflect our current landscape … it is 78.75 inches (or 2 metres) … the standard in Covid-19 Social Distance Etiquette. Note: the imperfections in the wood board form part of the unique character of the artwork.


11.25”x48” | oil on board | 2019

About this work
This work is inspired by the colour in sunsets of the Pacific Northwest. Working on a found board
informed the composition which brought to mind the rhythm of various totem poles that I have observed in this area. I’m intrigued at how the narrative in a totem works vertically.