36″x36″ | oil on canvas | 2014
Abstract landscape in silver.
40”x60” | oil on canvas | 2015
Abstract landscape. Yellow has fallen into the sea, as Icarus once did for flying too close to the sun.
Dyptich – 2 @ 36″x36″ | oil on canvas |2017
This painting was inspired by a painting by Paul-Émile Borduas entitled Étolie Noire (1957). He was a Québec painter known for his abstract paintings and was leader of the Automatistes movement. It is also inspired by a motif used by Juan Miro.
36″x36″ | oil on canvas | 2015
This painting was inspired by a painting by Paul-Émile Borduas entitled Étolie Noire (1957). He was a Québec painter known for his abstract paintings and was leader of the Automatistes movement. It is also inspired by a motif used by Juan Miro.
48”x60” | oil on canvas | 2015
Abstract Landscape inspired by Paul-Émile Borduas (1905 – 1960), a Canadian painter, member of Les Automatistes and contemporary of Jean-Paul Riopelle. This painting utilizes silver aluminum paint with a reflective quality.
Inspired by the moody skys of the Pacific Northwest.
66”x66” | oil on canvas | 2014
60”x36” | oil on canvas | 2015
About this work
Inspired by a fire in a field on my property. Fire is a recurring theme in my work.
36”x36” | oil on canvas | 2014
About this work
Insipired by the moody skies and water views of the Pacific Northwest.
83”x47” | oil on canvas | 2016
About this work
A study based on Tak Tanabe’s work. Influenced by my surroundings in the Pacific Northwest.
76”x66” | oil on canvas | 2016
About this work
Patois – a regional form of a language, especially of French, differing from the standard, literary form. It is the jargon (graffiti) of French Canada. It is the ‘language’ of the people and can be found painted illicitly as graffiti in urban landscapes.